Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Try something different: Crocodile meat!

Yup, you have read correctly: crocodile meet or also known as "gator" meat! Where can the bold and adventurous among you have a taste of this delicacy? Well none other than at the lovely Havana bar at Changat Bukit Bintang. Don't worry if Crocodile is too daring for you, they have an extensive menu and beautiful seating inside and out. Upstairs there is a dance floor too, so you can exercise a bit after the meal.

The same owners of Havana also run the Magnificent Fish and Chips bar at 28 Changat Bukit Bintang. They serve an excellent typical British Sunday Roast and of course the famous British dish of fish and chips. The Magnificent is also open for breakfast!

So if gator meat is too wild for you, the option of a tamer meal can be had both at Havana and The Magnificent Fish and Chips bar. Bon appetit!

Photo of Crocodile meal below: very tasty!

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