Friday, March 18, 2011

The Great Backyard Chicken Adventure, part 8

Why did I get the girls? Two reasons, first to have a constant source of chicken manure to enrich/feed my sandy soil and second for the company. I have to go into the garden every night to feed them, so after feeding I’ll putter; weeding, planting, grooming, watering, etc. I do enjoy sitting in the run talking to them while they eat, they are endlessly entertaining…but the gardener in me sees things to do.

They know that once I’ve left the run I generally don’t return, and they go about their business of pecking and scratching…instead of standing by the door waiting for me as I garden. But I do really want their company in the garden so my friend and I are working on a solution to free-ranging in a secure environment. I don’t want my jumper Thelma to go over the fence…and down into my neighbor’s garden. What if he’s not home? How can I safely climb up the fence (or the blackberry bushes from the behind neighbor) with a chicken under one arm?

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