Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Great Backyard Chicken Adventure, part 5

"Backyard chickens" are all the rage in the Bay Area. One Sloat staffer recently adopted two chickens... we've asked her to document her 'chickens in the city' experience from time to time.

The ladies now associate my arrival with food, so the “Food Lady” is an acceptable presence. They follow me in case I might have treats like scratch or bugs captured in the garden. Thelma is a ‘jumper’, if it is past dinnertime she will try to leap onto the door frame to let me know how hungry she is. She even jumped up as I came into the pen and landed on the food bowl. I asked how she thought she could eat in that position and gently shook her off. If I move the bowl close to my leg she will climb on it to get closer to the food.

There are lots of chicken owners out there. The manager at Safeway was helping me the other day, I mentioned I had two chickens and he looked at me and said “I have 5 hens and a rooster.” (he lives on a couple acres in north Marin, and keeps them in chicken tractors-moveable pens). He pointed to a co-worker down the aisle and said “She lives in Novato and has chickens too.” I met a lady who keeps three chickens in the Inner Sunset. She was kind enough to let me check out her set-up, how she stores their food, and the little chicken barrel they slept in. I met her ladies; Josephine, Maybelline and Dottie. I called her to tell her about my new roommates and we exchanged food stories. It’s like being in a fun, secret club.

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