Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Great Backyard Chicken Adventure, part 15 - Scratch That!

The girls come out for a wander in the foggy afternoon after work. They nibble the annual grasses I purposely left around the garden for them. Then they start pecking the soil around the raised perennial beds, using their beaks like hoes to move the soil. I decide to help with the bug hunt by turning over pots and rocks to uncover slugs, etc. The girls come right over and start pecking and scratching, because the Food Lady always finds bugs.

When Thelma sees me lift a jumbo pack of sedums she come right over because now she knows there are always slugs and baby snails in the crevices underneath. After she dispatches all those bugs I set the plants down. Thelma uses her large feet to scratch at the plants and turns the jumbo pack over and checks again for bugs. Hmm…must move innocent plants later. The scratching instinct is so strong, I can’t imagine how caged birds live without soil.

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