Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Prices of groceries at supermarkets in KL.

As promised before, I have finally got a price comparison table of certain grocery items at various supermarket chains in KL. I hope this will help you decide where is best for you to do your grocery shopping.
At present I seem to do a bit of a mix: some shopping at wet markets such as the one at TTDI, main groceries at Village Grocer, detergents etc at the mini mart in our condo and good quality cheeses, pork, etc at Gourmet in Bangsar Shopping Centre.

Please note that these prices are as of April 2011, are in Malaysian Ringit and may change over the course of time but for now it should give you a good comparison and possible an idea of how much you need to budget.

I welcome you to share any other of your own bargain and quality finds so that these can help others  and new comers out there.

Grocery Prices here

For a list of supermarkets in KL go to this Link:
Supermarkets and Malls in KL

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