Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Can o worms!

CAN-O-WORMS Odorless Living Composter: at Sloat Garden Center locations this month!

Can O Worms is an odorless, user friendly worm composting system. Whether you live in an apartment or have a backyard, you can provide organic fertilizer for indoor plants and your garden. Stacked ring-upon-ring, each section of this worm condo can house thousands of worms for composting year round. Each unit features a tap drain on the lowest ring to collect compost tea directly from the source. Harvesting of castings (worm manure) is easy because the worms eat their way up, leaving their rich castings behind which are readily removed, free of worms.

The Can-O-Worms stands on five sturdy legs, approx.29" tall x 20" wide. Made from durable 100% recycled plastic to give many years of vermicomposting success. Worms can be purchased separately. Be sure to use only composting redworms for best composting results.

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