Monday, January 5, 2009

Roses for 2009: Cinco de Mayo, Legends and Pink Promise

Recently reviewed in the Chronicle ...we carry these lovely roses! Here's what the San Francisco Chronicle had to say about Cinco de Mayo and Legends....

"With 'Cinco de Mayo,' Tom Carruth has won yet another All-America crown (his 10th in 11 years). A floribunda rose, meaning it has sprays of blossoms on each stem, the colors are difficult to describe but range from smoky lavender to rusty red. Since it's a seedling of 'Julia Child,' another All-America from Carruth, you'd hope for fragrance and wouldn't be disappointed. Best yet are the aggressive growth habits of the nicely rounded bushes, which are quick to rebloom. Finally, the plants have agreeable disease resistance."

Although he didn't win an All-America award for hybridizing it, Carruth was responsible for a new hybrid tea that Oprah Winfrey was involved with. Although she originally considered lending her name to it, she decided instead to pay tribute to the women she honored in her Legends weekend. 'Legends' makes a good garden addition if you're a fan of oversize rose blossoms. Rich ruby-red buds slowly mature into blooms that must be seen to be believed. Not only are they huge, their petals are the essence of substance - downright rubbery to the squeeze. Blooms have moderate but definite fragrance, and while plants require a good year in the ground to become established, once they do, they become buxom bloom factories.

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