Saturday, January 31, 2009

In Winter, Try Expanding Your Salad Vocabulary

This is an interesting article....these cold hardy greens can be grown throughout the winter months in the Bay Area.


A Cook's Garden
In Winter, Try Expanding Your Salad Vocabulary

By Barbara Damrosch

Special to The Washington Post
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Summer's salad days are over, not to mention fall's. We're supposed to welcome root vegetables, stocked away in the cellar, garage or cool pantry, as the season's great gift. And we do. Nothing like a good beet borscht or garlic potato mash. But for true salad lovers, the show must somehow go on.

Our household, reluctant to give up the habit of homegrown produce, relies on an unheated greenhouse for a winter supply of spinach, mache, tatsoi and other greenery. (A large cold frame or two would also serve well.) Yet in the darkness of early winter, the growth of leafy crops slows way down, and our usual definition of salad expands to include something extra hearty and fortifying. At dinnertime I poke through cellar, larder and fridge looking for inspiration close at hand.

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