Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Creating & Sustaining Vibrant Outdoor Learning Environments

Creating & Sustaining Vibrant Outdoor Learning Environments

Come to the opening evening of the Growing Green School Grounds
Conference and learn about the multiple benefits of ecological schoolyards
through a networking and resource fair as well and an inspirational keynote
speaker. The resource fair will provide information, contacts, and materials
that you can use in the classroom, in your community, and on school
grounds. The evening will feature a keynote address by Richard Louv,
acclaimed author of "Last Child in the Woods: Saving our Children from
Nature-Deficit Disorder."

Friday, October 10th St. Mary's Cathedral Conference Center, 1111 Gough St (at Geary), San Francisco, CA 94109 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. Tickets sold at the door, $25. Click for more info HERE

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