Thursday, July 21, 2011

Life Coach, Transition Coach, NLP practitioner Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Moving abroad can be stressful and may leave you extremely vunerable. In my previous blog entry I gave all the tips that helped me when I moved to Malaysia from London. You can find them here:
Tips for Moving abroad

However, if you are very anxious and need to talk to someone about it, I would highly recommend a wonderful lady called Louise Legat who is a Life Coach and has a speciality in helping people though transitions and moving abroad.

If you are bored, frustrated, lifeless, feeling stuck, don't know the next steps to take in your life, then I would recommend you speak to an NLP practitioner. Sounds scary? Not to worry, they are wonderful people and have some incredible skills that will get you feeling motivated and ready to move on with your life and towards your goals.

Transition/Moving abroad Coaching: contact Louise Legat:

Swiss mobile: (+41) 0788 152 161
UK mobile: (+44) 07974 642 145

NLP practitioners in Kuala Lumpur:

Erika Zechner on 019 221 2075
Sharmini Hensen on 012 391 2272

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