Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Great Backyard Chicken Adventure, part 23 - Reality Check for Beginners Answers from the Chicken Whisperer

Q: How many times a day do you feed your hens?
A: The chickens are checked most mornings to ensure they have crumble and clean water. I say most mornings in that after 19 years with chickens, I confess to missing a day here and there. But, the chickens are ALWAYS checked on when the weather is hot or we have stormy weather. Extra food such as kitchen scraps and garden weeds are offered as they become available.

Q: Any beginner mistakes to avoid?
A: Don't keep the coop too clean in winter. Some passive composting of bedding and manure helps keep some warmth in. Stop severe pecking and feather pulling bullies immediately. Some birds are too aggressive and should be separated away from the rest or be rid of. Egg eaters may need to be ‘culled’ if you have one, but if you get there early enough to collect the eggs that may prevent the broken egg.

Another coworker found that his Araucana/Ameraucauna mix laid green eggs and his other chickens would eat them, because they were not brown like the rest. Americaunas have can ear tufts and beards, lay light blue-green eggs and have a tall tail.

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