Monday, August 9, 2010

Help the SF Green Schoolyard Alliance win $250,000

We received this from the SF Green Schoolyard Alliance...hope you can help, too!

Dear Friends,

We've submitted a grant to the Pepsi Refresh Everything Project.Instead of spending money on Superbowl ads, Pepsi decided to take the money it would have spent and give it away, each month this year, inthe form of grants.

Our project is asking for $250,000 to conduct a year-long green skills workshop series for San Francisco Unified School District's 56,000students and their school communities. Part of the project is alsoaimed at re-foresting the district's schoolyards. Workshops willinclude rainwater harvesting installations, garden/outdoor classroomconstruction, native garden plantings, curriculum connections, and much more.

Here's the deal:
Projects must be voted on by the public to win. And each person canvote for the same project once, each day for the month of August.Voting ends August 31st. You must sign up to vote, but you WILL NOT be spammed, it's just tokeep track of the votes you have. Consider spreading the word, we will be forever grateful. Again, you can vote once a day for the month of August for a project. Please consider making our page one of your favorites:

Our page:

Very Sincerely,

Rachel Pringle
Programs Manager
The San Francisco Green Schoolyard Alliance(415) 355-6979, Ext.

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