Sunday, June 27, 2010

Bay Friendly Residential Garden Walks in Marin with MMWD!

Contact: Peggy Mathers 499-4204

Marin Municipal Water District and Marin Master Gardener announces its Bay Friendly Residential Garden Walks to help homeowners in its service area identify landscape water saving opportunities.

MMWD, partnering with the University of California Cooperative Extension sponsored Marin Master Gardener volunteers, has developed a program to help homeowners in the MMWD service area identify landscape water saving opportunities. Water is a scarce resource in Marin. MMWD has determined that about one third of the water used in the MMWD service area goes to landscape irrigation. Past experience with periods of drought confirms we all need to be responsible for efficient water use, and reduce waste in the garden.

“Over ninety Master Gardeners have volunteered and prepared for this program,” says University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE) Director David Lewis. “In addition to their intensive 50+ hours of regular UCCE Master Gardener training that focuses on horticulture, integrated pest management, and environmentally-sound garden practices, they attended two days of rigorous hands-on irrigation training provided by MMWD irrigation specialists.”

Home owners may request a visit from Master Gardener teams to walk through their gardens and examine their irrigations and water management strategies to identify opportunities to improve irrigation efficiency and reduce water needs.

To request a Master Gardener visit, call 415-499-4202 at the UCCE Marin Master gardener office. Your request will be coordinated with a call from a coordinator and followed up by your Marin Master Gardener calling to schedule your appointment. Following the walk, homeowners will receive informational materials covering an array of Bay Friendly gardening strategies and a check list of specific findings and recommendations. Home owners are under no obligation to make any of the recommended changes.

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