Monday, May 17, 2010

In The Yard: Easy As Hell Lettuce And Strawberries

One rule of thumb here in San Francisco is "If you're always planting, you're always harvesting." Whether its a fully grown head of lettuce in the ground, or a six pack of tomatoes in my window sill, you can have a continuous cycle of vegetable life all the time. It is easy and fun, and in this column for the SF Appeal, every Friday I'm going to show you how. But why should you listen to me? Well, let me tell you my story, and you can decide.

I grew up here in San Francisco and both parents were avid gardeners. I like to joke with my clients and say I have two green thumbs, one from each side of the family. As soon as I was old enough to walk, I was out pulling weeds and shoveling compost. In the summer I worked on my uncle's farm, where we transferred thirty acres of rhubarb into a variety of crops for the local farmers market.
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