Wednesday, April 14, 2010

All about sunflowers


The sunflower (Helianthus annuus) is native to North America, and was cultivated by native Americans.

They are easy to start indoors and out. They need regular water and full sun. Mulch to conserve water.

Sunflowers are hungry plants; for food growth they need rich moist soil with an abundance of nutrients, but not too much Nitrogen, as this would encourage too much leaf growth, rather than flowering. Rotate where sunflowers are planted are every year. Stake the taller varieties.

Sunflowers have many uses.

To harvest the seed, protect the plant from birds, squirrels and raccoons

When the seeds are ripe, the whole head droops. Harvest the whole head and dry in the sun.

Sunflowers can also be grown as a seedling salad crop.

Another use is as a ‘smother crop”, they have been used to smother persistent weeds from fields.

They can also be used as a green manure or compost crop. They grow quickly and produce an abundance of organic matter.They make a beautiful cut flower, growing on compact, branching plants in a variety of colors. They bloom summer through fall. The following cultivars are available at the Sloat Boulevard store; Lemon Sorbet-light yellow, Ring of Fire-light yellow turning burgundy as it ages, Florenza- yellow tips with a burgundy center, Pascino Cola-the classic yellow with a dark center. Arriving soon are Claret- chocolate red, Cherry Rose-rose pink, and Sonya- tangerine!

Sunflowers are available at all Sloat Garden Center locations!

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