Monday, January 25, 2010

Starting Seed Indoors

Starting Seed Indoors

Several critical factors to remember when starting seed indoors:
LIGHT: A window or normal household light is not adequate light for starting seedlings indoors. Fluorescent tubes work the best. Use at least a double tube setup with one tube being a cool-white and one tube being a warm-white. Tubes should be no more than 3" away from the seedlings. Seedlings should receive 16 hours of light (a dark period is important, so don't leave lights on for 24 hours...use an automatic timer).

MOISTURE: Seedlings must be kept moist (not soggy) at all times.

TEMPERATURE: For most varieties, normal household temperature (70 - 80 degrees) is ideal for germination; 60 - 70 degrees will work just fine. A 10 degree drop in temperature at night is also preferable.

SOIL: Your local independent garden center will carry special sterilized soils for seed starting.

HARDENING OFF: When your plants are ready to go outside, start slowly! Put them outside for a few hours everyday; slowly increase the time outdoors daily. In a week to ten days, they will be ready for outdoors.

© 2004 Botanical Interests
(We carry Botanical Interests seeds at all Sloat Garden Center locations)

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