Thursday, June 11, 2009

Plants to Make Those Summer Insects Bug Off

Plants to Make Those Summer Insects Bug Off

There are several plants that will help keep the summer bugs at bay!

Catnip-10 times more effective than DEET, a common bug repellent chemical, catnip loves sunny locations with well-drained soils. This perennial herb produces gray-green foliage with soft blue flowers.

Marigolds-While this flower may not have the best scent, marigolds work well in vegetable gardens because they act as a repellent and as a "trap" plant. In other words, they themselves are feasted on instead of the vegetables you've planted and they do repel such insects as aphids. They are also attractive to beneficials that prey on aphids. Marigolds and their bright orange, yellow and red blossoms like plenty of sun.

Lemon Thyme-Speaking of fragrance, like the name states, lemon thyme emits a clean lemon scent popular with humans, yet extremely unpopular with insects. This evergreen perennial is hardy in zones 4-11 and prefers full sun. It’s drought tolerant, spreads quickly, and looks a lot like English thyme.

Lemon Basil-Another aromatic herb, this finicky annual is covered with small flowers and needs to be watered regularly. It’s a good addition to any vegetable garden for its ability to deter white flies and also enhance the flavor of tomatoes.

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