Monday, March 16, 2009

Five fun plants with kid appeal

Five Fun Plants with Cool Kid Appeal Author
Charlie Nardozzi
by the National Gardening Association

In an age of iPods, video games, and all-too-realistic CGI movies, it may seem like a stretch to get kids excited about a simple green plant. But kids are intuitively fascinated by nature. There’s a simple pleasure kids find in digging, discovering insects and worms, smelling flowers, and tasting vegetables. The challenge is to get them into the garden in the first place. Once engaged, kids realize how much fun a garden can be, and they may be more receptive to the wisdom you impart about the environment, health, and nutrition. Plus, they get some exercise, too.

That first step is often the hardest. One way to get over that bump is to pique kids’ curiosity by growing plants with cool features that kids think are fun. These can be plants you and your children grow in the garden together, or ones you grow yourself for your children to “discover” on forays outdoors. Here are five of my favorite kid-pleasing plants.

Read the full article here

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