Thursday, October 9, 2008

Fall Gardening Calendar

Fall is the time to feed!
During the autumn months, we recommend applying 0-10-10 (E.B. Stone's Ultra Bloom or Maxea 3-20-20). Not only does it aid in root development and flower bud formation, it promotes cold hardiness and disease resistance in perennials, shrubs and trees. It is especially beneficial to Azaleas, Rhododendrons and Camellias which are setting buds now for spring.

Now is also the time to apply EB Stone True Blue -- a super acidifier. Not only does it keep or turn Hydrangea flowers blue, but it reduces the soil pH so your blueberries stay green and healthy with little dieback. Other than fall lawn food and E.B. Stone Sure Start at planting, fertilizers containing nitrogen should no longer be applied to the majority of outdoor plants this month. New growth formed at this time of year does not have time to sufficiently harden off before leaf fall or winter cold.

Check out large trees, they may need ‘window pruning’ by an arborist before the big winter storms get here. Roses shouldn’t be pruned heavily until next year but diseased leaves can be removed and put straight in the garbage, not in the compost pile. Some rose growers remove only spent petals and let the rose hips develop. This helps send the plant into dormancy, the hips also turn great fall colors and can be used in arrangements. For hydrangeas remove the old blossoms and rake up leaves only.

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