Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Onion Planting Season!

It's the beginning of fall onion planting season, and so we want to take a minute to talk about onions. Planting now will provide you with sweet, delicious, full-sized onions in May or June.

Onions are 'day length sensitive' plants and will go right to seed/flower without bulbing if you plant the wrong types at the wrong time of year. It can get confusing. But no worries! The onions we sell have been chosen to provide you with the correct types at the correct times.

Planting onions from packs is quite simple; prepare the onion beds and form small, 1 to 2 inch deep 'trench' with stick or finger in rows 6" to 8" apart. Remove onion plants from packs and gently, but firmly shake all the soil off the roots of the little onions to separate. Lay each onion plant down, with roots laying in trench and tops to the side, about 3" apart. Cover roots with enough soil to cover roots. Water.

Within a few days the little onions will stand upright. You can thin as needed until the onions are about 6" apart. One six pack can plant over 50 lbs of onions! Keep the beds moist and weed free. You will probably need to mulch the beds once the onions are established to keep the weeds from taking over the baby onions. Use straw or other organic compost. For best results, top dress (sprinkle over plants) every three weeks with an all-purpose organic fertilizer, and water in. It's not as hard as people think, but you do have to have the proper kinds of plants at the proper time of year!

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