Friday, May 16, 2008

Sloat Garden Center “adopts” school gardens in San Rafael & San Francisco

Sloat Garden Center has chosen two schools to receive Adopt a Garden grants for Spring 2008.

Sun Valley Elementary School in San Rafael and Monroe Elementary School in San Francisco will each receive a $1,000 garden grant based on their gardening goals.

With the grant monies, Sun Valley Elementary and Monroe Elementary both have plans to incorporate gardening lessons into their curriculums and to use their gardens as learning tools.

Each year, Sloat Garden Center chooses 4 grant recipients to illustrate the positive impact that gardening at school can have on Bay Area students and their communities. “We have made a commitment to funding school gardens,” explains Dave Straus, Sloat Garden Center owner. “We hope these grant monies will help students learn and discover a lifelong love of gardening.”

Throughout the Bay Area, school gardens have been integrated into curriculums to teach nature, science, language, math, art, history, economics, nutrition, wildlife and social skills. For many students these are once-in-a-lifetime, hands-on learning opportunities that put into practice what is learned in theory.

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