Friday, March 14, 2008

Edible Landscaping in the news

Backyards, Beware: An Orchard Wants Your Spot

"In the last few years, an increasing number of Americans have turned their yards over to mini orchards, planting them with dwarf and semi-dwarf fruit trees, even in dense urban areas. The backyard orchard makes sense, given the growing popularity of the local-food movement. Nothing is more local than the backyard, after all, and home orcharding, as the practice is sometimes called, guarantees freshness and cuts the energy costs for transportation to nil." - New York Times, March 2008

This spring at Sloat Garden Center we're undertaking an effort toward sustainability by urging gardeners to incorporate edible plants into their landscape. An article in this week's Home & Garden issue of the New York Times discusses this very point. Read it here!

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