Monday, July 2, 2007

That Time Again: Make Way for Tomatoes

The New York Times, Home & Garden section
Published: June 28, 2007

I’VE got a tomato farm growing down in Maryland. About 20 different heirloom varieties, maybe 50 plants and still counting.

What is it about tomatoes? I can never have enough.

I love their shapes, and colors, from the reddish-pink Brandywines with their green lumpy shoulders, to the little dark purple Black Krims and yellow and green striped Green Zebras that fit in the palm of my hand.

I love that tangy flavor. There’s nothing like a Brandywine, sliced, with a slab of fresh mozzarella and a basil leaf, dribbled with good olive oil.

Click here for the rest of this really wonderful article on heirloom
tomatoes in the NY Times.

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