Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Caladium bicolor

These tropical American native perennials are grown from tubers. They provide amazing foliage color, the leaves are borne on long petioles (leaf stems) that rise directly from the underground tuber. Caladiums get two feet tall and wide. They are striking when displayed in mass, or planted next to ferns or gingers. The leaves can last several days in fresh flower arrangements. They are commonly a houseplant but can be grown outside in containers in deep shade in very warm, protected neighborhoods. A cold night may send them into dormancy. Like wise they should not be placed on a cold floor if the nighttime temperatures drop below 60, this can also cause a premature dormancy. The foliage naturally dies back in the autumn, and should be cut back.

They like to be watered 2-3 times a week and appreciate frequent misting. They like bright, indirect light, never direct sun. Feed lightly through the growing season.

In the fall leave the tubers in the container and withhold water during the winter.

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