Monday, March 19, 2007

CONGRATULATIONS to our Adopt a Garden Project grantees!

For the Spring 2007 semester, KIPP San Francisco Bay Academy/Gateway High School and Dianne Feinstein Elementary School will each receive $1,000 garden grants based on their gardening goals and plans.

With the grant monies, KIPP San Francisco Bay Academy/Gateway High School will plant edible fruit trees and vegetables for students to sample. Dianne Feinstein Elementary School has plans to create a 5-senses garden and also plant fruit trees.

Monies for the Adopt a Garden project were raised by Sloat Garden Center’s production of a 2007 School Garden Calendar. Featuring 13 school gardens around the Bay Area, the calendar was created to illustrate the positive impact that gardening at school can have on Bay Area students and their communities. Sloat Garden Center will choose two additional schools for the Fall 2007 school semester.

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